AWE EU 2022 | SQUARS successfully launches WebAR platform

Written by Thomas Weilbuchner | Oct 27, 2022 9:40:35 AM

The AWE (Augmented World Expo) is an international event series that brings together the sharpest minds the world of XR has to offer, including XR solution providers, startups, investors, developers, brands, recruiters, and more.

This year’s AWE EU was no exception. In customary style, over 100 exhibiting companies presented their newest products, and shared their fascinating visions and innovative concepts for the future of AR/VR.

SQUARS, official sponsor of the AWE EU 2022, joined this year’s exhibitors to officially announce the launch of its first product - an all-in-one WebAR platform fit for collaboration that lets you create, share, and view your own augmented content.

SQUARS convinces visitors with high-quality and a unique user-experience

Following a long period of preparation and great anticipation, the day of our launch had finally arrived. During the exhibition, we were able to showcase all exciting capabilities of our 3D editor included in the SQUARS Studio. We were happy to hear that, apart from the user-friendliness of our product, it was the stable anchoring and detection of the virtual content that stood out to our visitors.

Using the editor is as easy as it gets:

  1. Create a QR code target or upload an image target which will serve as surface for your AR visualization.
  2. Prepare your own augmented content in any shape or form by using our 3D templates or uploading 2D or 3D files.
  3. Position your 3D model in the most immersive way.
  4. Use the Preview function to check whether you like what you’ve created and then click Publish to share it with the rest of the world.

Check this video to see how easy it is to create your own augmented experiences with SQUARS.


What’s a product launch without a proper announcement speech?

On the first day of the event, our very own Business Development Manager Markus had the honor to officially announce the launch of SQUARS live on stage.

After presenting the main facts about the company and our platform, he engaged in a lively Q&A session with the audience, who was eager to find out more about the product and its capabilities. When asked about how SQUARS differentiates itself from its competition, Markus came to talk about the ideological foundation on which our platform is built:

The 4 core principles behind SQUARS

When designing SQUARS, our mission was clear: To empower everyone to take AR content creation into their own hands.

At the same time, we wanted to make sure that our product would meet certain standards that unify the demands of quality, efficiency, and user-orientation. Here’s a list of the 4 key principles that have guided us throughout the entire development journey of SQUARS:


SQUARS provides the full WebAR experience bound neither to place nor to time. As our platform and all connected services are fully browser-based, everything needed to enter the Studio and view augmented experiences is a device with internet access.

This means that to dive into the world of AR with SQUARS, there’s no need to download, and clutter the phone with, any native app.


SQUARS doesn’t require prior coding knowledge or long onboarding sessions, which we all know can be quite tedious at times.

It was important to us to make sure that everyone can find their way around our platform as quickly and effortlessly as possible. No matter whether our users are already experts (e.g. professional designers) or taking their first steps into this direction - SQUARS’ intuitive interface makes everyone feel like they know what they’re doing right from the start.

And fun is definitely guaranteed.


SQUARS offers a high level of compatibility with all common devices (e.g. mobile, tablets, and PC) and operating systems including Android and IOS. This way, viewing and sharing AR experiences is always just one click away.


SQUARS distinguishes itself further through an unbeatable offer to all users. Conforming to our vision of democratizing AR, our free subscription plan does away with all hurdles and barriers that stand in between our users and their first immersive experiences, making AR content creation completely free of charge.

Once all included in the Free+ plan has been used up, a fair and usage-based pricing model makes it possible to purchase additional rights tailored to one’s individual needs and wants, including larger digital storage space, greater number of available AR views, projects, and more.

Networking as key to innovation

It is the steady interchange of ideas that propels future innovation.

The AWE is the perfect place to connect with other experts in the field and get precious insights into the market as well as the needs and wishes of the global AR community. Now that we have officially launched our product, our main target is to continuously extend our offerings and improve our services in the spirit of maximum user-centricity.

During the AWE EU 2022, we used the opportunity to explore collaboration options with other AR solution providers and get valuable feedback regarding our product, which will help us finetune our future focus and priorities so that we can serve the SQUARS community even better.

When’s the next event?

We look very much forward already to joining the next AWE taking place in Santa Clara, California, 31 May-2 June, 2023, where we’ll be able to showcase the most up-to-date version of our product.

In the meantime, you can expect continual development and innovation on our end, including the release of new and improved features as well as capabilities for our platform. So make sure to check out the SQUARS website to and explore the world of SQUARS by starting your free plan today. Your first AR experiences are just a few clicks away.