Artists Series: Kyros - Creator's Story

Written by Tamari Cholokava | Oct 17, 2023 2:47:25 PM

Discover the limitless world of Augmented Reality, where storytelling takes a new dimension.


Artists channel the power of images to craft captivating narratives and evoke strong emotions within us. A powerful image can instantly take you on a visual journey into a completely new reality. What if we transformed these images even further with Augmented Reality?

Discover more with our series Start with an Image.

Now, sit back, relax, and explore the world through the eyes of one special artist from Vienna. 

Meet Kyros

Kyros is a graffiti artist from Vienna, who specializes in calligraffiti, large-scale murals, and company-branded artworks. He discovered his passion early on in life and started painting walls when he was only 13 years old. His artistic spectrum involves, but it is not limited to, graffiti and calligraphy, urban art, space branding, and mural design.  

Motives and Style

The distinctive shapes of his letters originate in his Persian roots and, together with his use of dynamic shapes and sine curves, form his arsenal used for breaking the 'straightforwardness' of the existing reality. As an artist, he juggles between emotional and rational perceptions of reality and envisions them in his artworks.


His Inspiration for the Creation Process

Kyros finds inspiration in society, in everyday life, and in social interactions. Relationships and emotions serve as a strong source of verve for the artist’s work. Kyros explores the meditative power in the process of creation and finds his inner calmness through his art. He strives to make a positive and meaningful impact with his work that eventually frees people from their realities of “straightness and angles”. He aims to mirror society through his eyes and erase boundaries between people and art.


The Role of Technology in His Art

Kyros’s progressive approach to art inspires him to combine analog and digital techniques and push the boundaries of his creative processes. The artist believes that Augmented Reality is already a part of our everyday lives, and artists must cultivate it, yet “be conscious of their relationships with digital technologies”.

Augmented Reality, in Kyros' view, helps artists to "work smarter" and amplify the impact of their artworks by seamlessly blending artistic pursuits with digital tools.


The Road to an AR-powered Mural

The collaboration between the artist and SQUARS brought the captivating AR Mural to life. The theme of the artwork was born from sketches, mood boards, and several brainstorming sessions. Just like Augmented Reality, White Tara is strongly linked to the complexity of perceiving reality. Bridging real and virtual worlds, the White Tara goddess represents a connection between past, present, and future. Through this collaboration, the aim was to showcase a heightened and enriched artistic experience.



Enhancing Art with AR

By painting walls, Kyros brings the gallery experience to the streets for everyone to see, enjoy, and contemplate. Through Augmented Reality, we are proud to champion this initiative and enhance the artistic journey even further. Go find the augmented mural and experience the full power of immersive storytelling.

Wondering how the AR Mural was created? We share the curiosity and therefore, have prepared a detailed process description for you to be able to recreate the full experience of this augmented piece. Stay tuned and meanwhile, dive into Kyros' world once again.


Start with an Image  

Are you ready to step into the realm of immersive storytelling? The canvas is yours, the tools are at your fingertips, and the possibilities are endless. Let your imagination run wild and start crafting your very own AR-powered story.

All you need is an image to begin with.


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