How to increase brand engagement with Augmented Reality

Written by Thomas Weilbuchner | Dec 9, 2022 11:23:42 AM

Having a strong brand that is recognizable and engages its audiences is the backbone of any successful business aiming to secure a loyal customer base. Augmented Reality (AR) is an excellent means with which to achieve this. Read on to find out more about how AR can help you strengthen your brand to boost sales and set your business up for success.

Why brand engagement is important

Brand engagement is probably one of, if not the most decisive factor when it comes to turning potential prospects of yours into satisfied, regular customers. How you decide to position your business in, and present it to, the outside world has a huge impact on how customers or clients feel toward consuming your products or your using your services.

How strengthening your brand engagement benefits your business

  1. increase customer loyalty and satisfaction
  2. create upsell opportunities
  3. drive sales and revenue
  4. gain a competitive edge
  5. improve brand perception
  6. establish a strong brand recognition
  7. create trust and credibility
  8. attract new customers/clients
  9. improve brand awareness

As you can see, having a great brand presence is crucial to securing a leading position in any existing market. Engaging with your brand should have the same effect on people as looking at big fireworks does: eye-catching, mesmerizing, memorable.

Now that we’ve established all the advantages of a strong brand, let’s have a look at how you can actually get there.

Building up a strong brand presence can be quite a complex and challenging task, especially if one’s flagship product has so far been flying under the market’s attention radar.

This is where WebAR comes in.

Why WebAR is the perfect means to increase brand engagement and customer loyalty

WebAR refers to AR experiences people can enter and interact with directly via the web browser. In contrast to traditional AR technologies which require anyone wanting to partake in the AR experience to install a specific app on their devices, WebAR is an innovative and still rather new alternative in the space of AR. Plus, it comes with a slew of advantages compared to its app-based counterpart.

But how exactly can WebAR help increase brand engagement? Let’s have a closer look at this.

WebAR offers the possibility for you to create exciting AR experiences and imbed them directly inside your products or services. The all-in-one WebAR platform SQUARS, for instance, lets you overlay real-life images or objects with AR content, and share the experience with anyone and as many people as you like.

The fact that WebAR only requires users to have a device with camera and Internet access to view AR experiences makes it one of the most accessible marketing and advertising tools out there.

But it doesn’t end there. Apart from its high accessibility, WebAR can produce highly immersive content that draws in customers and keeps them engaged throughout and beyond the viewing experience.

There’s much you can do with WebAR: you may overlay real-life objects with 2D/3D images that people can view on their mobile devices, include a personalized text, or even add a gamified touch to the AR experience by imbedding interactive buttons. Due to this personal involvement in the AR experience, your customers or clients will also develop an emotional bond with your brand, which will make them feel closer and, as a result, more loyal to it.

Additionally, WebAR experiences can be easily shared and viewed by millions of people, and, being browser-based, make your brand globally accessible. This way, you may expand the presence of your brand even into the remotest corners of the world.

AR greeting cards are a great way to advertise your brand

WebAR has as many use cases as your creativity allows. Commercially, you may use it for for AR packaging and large-scale advertising campaigns that are efficient and cost-effective. On the other hand, there’re also many applications of WebAR in your everyday life.

When it comes to brand promotion in particular, AR greeting cards are a brilliant idea that works great and never gets old.

Next time you think about sending out the traditional, run-of-the-mill Christmas cards to your clients or customers, imagine what the response would be if you turned your well-wishes into customized, personalized messages tailored to your target groups.

As Christmas holds a special place in many people’s hearts, AR greeting cards have the power to create a positive emotional reaction in the receiver, and entice your audience to feel more inclined to buy from, or do business with, you in the future.

What makes sending out AR greeting cards a particularly suitable brand-strengthening method is their seasonal adoptability throughout the year. Once Christmas has passed, New Year’s Day is just around the corner, after which you can already start preparing your AR Easter greetings, and so on. It’s a never ending cycle you can make use of and easily integrate into your customer care initiatives.

With AR greeting cards, you have the chance to position yourself as an innovative, forward-looking brand that’s approachable and keeps in touch with reality. To make your message more personalized, you may imbed a digital group picture of your employees and even add some fun animations to it. This would also be a great way to also shine the spotlight on some of the unsung heroes in your company, who might otherwise remain invisible.

How to create and share your own AR greeting cards with SQUARS

SQUARS makes it super easy for you to design your own personalized AR greeting cards. Once you’ve created an account, simply follow these steps:

  1. Click Create new project and import the image file of your prepared greeting card.
  2. Check whether the target size is filled in correctly and click Create Scene.
  3. In the left sidebar, click Add object and upload your prepared 3D file with or without animation. Alternatively, you can also choose a ready-made object from our asset library.
  4. Position your object however you like it.
  5. In the upper right corner, click Preview to see if everything looks good.
  6. Next to the preview button, click Publish to generate the QR code needed to access the experience.
  7. Send out your greeting cards together with the QR code … et voilà - your work is complete! :-)


Sign up to design your personal AR greeting cards

Now that you’ve seen how easy and painless the whole process is, why not sign up right away and start crafting your own amazing AR greeting cards? Creating an account is free - no entering of payment method required! Your customers and clients will love it!